Our weekend of 14 – 16 October 2022 at Novotel Twinwaters on the Sunshine Coast was a celebration of Leadership. Again, Congratulations to our Qualifiers and a HUGE THANK YOU for making this weekend such a memorable, once in a lifetime event.
With hearts full of gratitude for this special Kyäni ANZ event, we were all super excited to be able to partake in shaping the future of Amare ANZ.
Naturally, the main focus of the weekend was to formulate our strategy to finish the year strong. Our Leaders’ shared aim is to be in the best possible shape by the end of this year to launch into a hugely successful new chapter in the New Year.
“I feel incredibly grateful to be working with this amazing group of leaders. Qualifying for this incentive event was a direct result of our leaders’ hard work, commitment and dedication. It was also a direct result of the positive impact our leaders are making on the lives and health of all those around them.
One thing we know for certain, is that the most critical assets of our company are the hearts and minds of our Partners who work hard to seize opportunities, cultivate hope and create strong communities.
Our weekend away was an absolute ball! I loved so much spending time with each and every one of our leaders, sharing stories, sharing laughs, and sharing plans and dreams for the future. And let me promise – our collective future is bright!” Bianca Cosentino – Kyäni General Manager for Australia & New Zealand
No doubt – our ANZ Leadership Group is the most dedicated, most committed, definitely the funniest and as we discovered, the most competitive team.
Check out our favourite images to get a feel for the special experience we got to partake in.

Thank you for coming!
We cannot wait to see even more of you at the next one!