As the son of Vietnamese parents, Hiep Tran worked hard alongside his parents to create a prosperous future for their entire family. This upbringing led him to be extremely successful in multiple business ventures as an adult.
As Hiep progressed in his career, he learned that the most significant moments of his professional life were seeing his team growing and exceeding their own expectations for themselves. He found great meaning in coaching, mentoring, and empowering people to succeed.
But he also learned what can happen when you sacrifice too much of yourself to the business world. Although he had achieved a high level of success, he did so at the expense of his own physical and mental health. While recovering his health, Hiep took a step back and realized he could help others with similar struggles.
Hiep’s vision for Amare began to take shape as he developed a passion for health and wellness. He knew that his two passions: mentoring and shaping professional teams and improving mental wellness could create a global mental wellness movement—so he officially established Amare in 2016.
Hiep’s commitment to excellence and integrity in all areas of the business is a constant emphasis to the entire Amare team. He believes that an entire holistic platform of products, programs, and community support will change lives around the world.
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