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CARING HANDS DAY 2021 - Poland


As we all know, the current times are vastly different from our normality – so, this year, Kyäni employees chose charities close to their hearts to support them with a donation.

We’re overjoyed by the feedback we received from these organizations and are more than happy to share with you each and every one of them:


Making children smile

For Caring Hands Day 2021, one of the organizations we chose to support is the children’s home Cornelius in Germany. Here, orphans and children in need find a home and refuge. Read on to find out how Kyäni supports them!

Read the full story here!

The art of helping

In Italy, we chose to support Dynamo Camp, an organization that dedicates itself to severely disabled children. Their mission is to make the children believe in themself and therefore achieve their goals.

Read the full story here!

Stronger together
Patrónus Ház in Hungary provides full care to people with autism. The home puts extra emphasis on the training and social integration of the residents. It is an essential part of the neighborhood community.

Read the full story here!

Special donations for special needs

Ecole Hatikva is a school in France that welcomes children with special needs like Trisomy 21 or autism. Their goal is to help the children with their education and to build a future for themselves. Read how Kyäni supports them!

Read the full story here!

Supporting education & planting trees

It’s Caring Hands Day and we give it our all! In Turkey, we’re supporting the organization TOÇEV with several projects. They support children from low-income families with their education. Find out more about Kyäni’s involvement!

Read the full story here!

You can make every day a Caring Hands Day by doing a good deed each day: Help out the elderly with their shopping, babysit for your single-parent neighbour, or simply add the Kyäni Potato Paks to your next order and help feed people in need.

Let’s make this world a better place together!

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