The Caring Hands Mission focuses on Kyäni’s commitment to making a difference: to bring hope to children in need by improving access to nutrition, sanitation, and education. From its beginnings in 2010, Caring Hands has worked to offer hope to those who have none, and to improve the lives of others throughout the world.
We love to hear stories of how Caring Hands Missions have positively impacted entire communities. This week, we want to share the inspirational and heart-warming story of Lucia Santiz Gómez.
As the seventh of eleven siblings, Lucia, known as Lucy, was the first in her family to have the opportunity to complete her high school education. Lucy’s father passed away when she was only 15 years old and her mother, Doña, undertook the monumental task of raising eleven children on her own.
While Doña was only able to study until the 3rd grade, she understood the power and importance of education for her family. Lucy’s six older siblings were only able to attend school through junior high, walking three hours to school, but they encouraged Lucy, alongside their mother, to continue her education after junior high. She was able to attend the school in Pocolum, built by Caring Hands and Kyäni Business Partners.
Upon graduating, the Caring Hands Foundation selected Lucy among the most outstanding students and awarded her a full scholarship to continue her education at a university. Lucy undertook the long path of a law student, and after five years of hard work and dedication to her studies, received her Bachelor’s Degree in Law from a prestigious institute of higher studies in the City of San Cristóbal de las Casas. Now, she’s already planning her next steps to continue her professional education with a Master’s degree in Human Rights.
Lucy is not only the first lawyer in her family, but the first in her entire community. She has become an inspiration to everyone in her home community of Yoshib. Lucy’s younger siblings and nephews are determined to follow in her footsteps, as she has become a model of the power of education and where the path of knowledge can lead. Locals of the community say that the beautiful high school built by Caring Hands has become a motivational and inspirational place for its students to follow in Lucy’s footsteps.
The Kyäni family is so happy to congratulate Lucy on her incredible accomplishments!
Lucy’s story is a beautiful reminder that the little things can add up to big things! Thank you to all of our Business Partners, Customers, and Employees for the role they’ve played in Lucy’s story. We truly are Rising Together!
For more information on Kyäni Caring Hands, visit https://www.Kyä