Get to know our 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge Finalists! We will be introducing one of our Finalists here every week. These five Finalists have been selected because of their incredible success in reaching and surpassing their Healthy Living goals. Each Finalist will have a chance to win the $15,000 grand prize at our 2021 International Convention in May!
We caught up with Christy Palazzo to ask some of our burning questions!
How did you learn about Kyäni?
I first learned about Kyäni from a friend of mine, who is a Kyäni Business Partner. I had been struggling with some health and weight issues, and my friend suggested I give the Triangle of Health a try. I took myself off of all other products and gave Kyäni a go! I noticed changes in my health almost immediately. Ever since then I have used Kyäni products and am a very loyal customer to HL5 and FIT20.
Several times a week I replace a meal with FIT20. My favorite recipe is mixing FIT20, Almond Breeze Reduced Sugar milk, one tablespoon of International Delights Zero Sugar Pumpkin Spice, and I blend with ice – AMAZING!
What was your life like prior to Kyäni?
I’m definitely a workaholic and I have a tendency to put other people and my work before my own health. I’m also a stress eater. The combination of not putting my health first and letting stress get the better of me, lead to me gaining quite a bit of weight. I didn’t feel good. I felt bloated, my joints felt achy, and just all-around sluggish.
What was the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge experience like for you?
Before I started my 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge I was at a friend’s birthday party, and I had brought the cake — so I was holding the cake as my friend was blowing out the candles and everyone started snapping pictures of the moment. ALL of the pictures were SO unflattering and I first thought ‘oh, maybe it was just the angle of that one picture’ but then I saw all the other pictures taken from many different angles and thought ‘how are there six different angles of this picture and they are all so bad?!’ and then I knew it was me not the angle!
Between not feeling great and those pictures — I knew I needed a change. I needed this wake-up call to live a healthier life, not just for me but for my family and especially my kids! So, I decided to take part in the challenge.
I took it very seriously. I never missed a workout, lifted weights, practiced yoga, ate well, took HL5 religiously, and only had four cheat meals the whole challenge. I cut out white sugar, white flour, white rice, fried food, and caffeine.
I also started running with my daughter. She had to run circuit in under eight minutes in order to make her volleyball team and I thought ‘well, I’ll try it too!’ It was HARD. At first, I could barely get around the first corner without aching and being out of breath. My first time was over 13 minutes – now I run the circuit without stopping and my last time was 6 minutes and 46 seconds!
I needed to make a change in my life and my lifestyle to be healthy for my family. This 90-Day Challenge was my catalyst, my reason, and my why.
What are your best tips and tricks for success during the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge?
It is all about the W’s!
- Water – drink as much water as you can! Hydration is everything.
- Whites – eliminate white sugar, white flour, white bread, white rice
- Workout – weights (another W!) make sure you are getting a workout in, even if it is just a walk.
- Wagon. If you fall off the wagon get back on. Give yourself a break. I used to be all in or all out. Plan for your cheat events. If I give myself permission to cheat now and then — I don’t feel like I have failed. Give yourself permission to live.
- Weigh-In – It might not be for everyone but it worked for me. Just remember the scale doesn’t also show your hard work from week to week! I didn’t cheat and I didn’t lose a pound for three straight weeks! My body fought the scale!
- Accountability (not a W but I had to add it!) – I told EVERYBODY that I’m going to win this challenge — I put myself in the spot of accountability. I told all my friends, coworkers, gym friends, last year’s 90-Day Challenge Grand Prize winner — I told everyone!
What did you learn about yourself during the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge?
I learned that everyone has their own coping mechanisms — and mine is food. I was killing myself and throwing myself into either work or food. Food was my rescuer from stress, but I learned that the choices I made that I thought were saving me, actually turned out to be really hurting me. I had to ask myself ‘are you improving and are you being a good role model for your family’. I’m a good person, I’m giving – I’d give someone the shirt off my back, but I was not a good role model for self-care.
I think now I know what my triggers are, I won’t ever go back to the way I was. My weight might fluctuate a bit — sure, but I will never go back.
I’m happier when I exercise, eat well, and take my HL5. Even on my birthday, I thought about skipping the gym because, well, it was my birthday! But I went to the gym, and I was so happy and proud of myself for doing that. I felt happier all day.
It is a complete change in mindset… I used to feel like I had earned sleeping in, but now I feel like I have earned working out and feeling good.
How do you plan to continue on your Healthy Living journey?
I’m in maintenance mode right now through the holidays, but I am starting my next 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge in the new year!
I definitely want to be on stage at Convention and win the Grand Prize! I have a dress for it! My dress is on my mirror and I look at it every day. I can’t zip it up now (haha), but I will!
Inspired by Christy’s success? Join the 90-Day Healthy Living Challenge today and start your own journey!