Hydrolysed Collagen Protein

What is collagen protein and how does it support the body?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and it helps build nearly everything from your bones to your skin. It also supports longevity and acts as a glue that helps hold together our tissues, organs, muscles, and bones, while also providing elasticity in our skin for that youthful, vibrant glow. Even more, collagen has been shown to support digestive functions by hydrating the digestive tract and helping maintain a healthy stomach and intestines.

How do our bodies get collagen?

There are over 25 forms of collagen in the human body. Type I, II, and III are the most prominent in humans. In fact, Type I accounts for 80-90% of the collagen in our bodies, which is why it is commonly found in most collagen supplements.

Your body naturally produces collagen, but collagen synthesis and the quality of the collagen in our cells declines as we age. On the outside, we typically see in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Inside our bodies, collagen reduction becomes noticeable in the decreased motility and strength of bones and joints.

According to recent studies, less than half of adults receive enough protein from their food, and the proteins they do get can often be difficult to digest and may not be in a healthy form. That’s why it is important to consider supplementing with collagen protein.

How to support collagen production with your diet

There are numerous ways you can keep your collagen production up to par. As with anything health-related, your diet plays a key role. Give your body what it needs to produce collagen effectively by getting your daily dose of vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and berries. In addition, glycine and proline help give your body what it needs to build collagen. Glycine and proline are mostly derived from animals, but there are also plant sources too. You can find glycine in plants like spinach, cauliflower, kale, pumpkin, banana, and beans. Proline can come from asparagus, cucumber, watercress, and chives.

How to support collagen production with supplements

In the past, it was common for Western societies to consume a lot of collagen naturally in their diets from foods like bone broths and organ meats, but most people don’t eat these foods daily. That’s where collagen protein supplements come into play.

One of the most important factors in choosing a collagen protein is to ensure it is hydrolysed. Hydrolysed collagen, also referred to as collagen peptides, breaks down into shorter fibres that the body can better digest and utilise.

Kyäni and Hydrolysed Collagen Protein

It’s often challenging to get the daily nutrition we need to function at our best and promote healthy ageing, especially with our busy lifestyles and various dietary preferences. That’s why we have not just one, but two featured products that contain hydrolysed collagen.

Kyäni FIT20 

This all-natural protein blend features grass-fed whey protein and grass-fed hydrolysed collagen and contains 20grams of protein. It is specially designed for easy absorption to deliver nutrients that support your active lifestyle. Among its many benefits, FIT20 promotes lean muscle building and faster workout recovery, aids in keeping bones healthy, and supports Long-term Nitric Oxide Production.

Kyäni HL5® — A simple, delicious way to tackle your daily demands while keeping your health in mind. Available in a convenient pouch, Kyäni HL5 is also perfect on the go. Each pouch delivers five grams of type 1 and type 3 hydrolysed collagen protein to optimise fat metabolism; supports healthy joints, skin, and hair; promotes long-lasting energy; contributes to the growth of lean muscle and normal bones; and supports strength and flexibility.

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